Stuff 8 - My Favourite Mug:
This is my favourite mug. It’s the one that I always choose in preference to the other mugs in the cupboard. The message on the side of it, now long gone used to read “Best Mum in the World”
How I managed to attain this title remains shrouded in mystery, I don’t know whose idea it was, but there are a number of candidates upon whom suspicion naturally falls. But to me the fact that I can be considered to be the best Mum in the world shows the kind of inclusiveness that really appeals to me.
It was bought for me as a Mother’s Day gift several years ago now by some of my Son’s friends. I smile at it every time I see it, which is several times per day. It’s the one I look for, I’m convinced that coffee & tea both taste better in this mug.
Maybe I am imagining this, but I am going with it.
This is the power of a simple thing to bring such joy, even if it’s only in coffee sized doses. The point is I drink a lot of coffee and the kids that “adopted” me knew this. They did a simple thing and have made me smile every day since, no matter what my mood.
All these years later, the writing has faded, but I am still The World’s Best Mum.
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